Understanding your space needs
- Collects reservation data for more efficient resource usage
- Helps to understand space needs and decide on the optimizations
- Offers both: overall statistics and per-user data
- Enables to retrieve various charts and tables

Transforming data into decisions
Workspace analysis helps companies and organizations to use physical space more efficiently. By tracking the use of different spaces, companies can make informed decisions about the availability and use of meeting rooms, office layouts, desks, parking spaces, and other types of shared resources. This ultimately radically reduces operating costs and allows for future optimization of workspaces.
Select method
Analytic dashboards
CUE Solution offers built-in dashboards that are displayed directly in the front-end application. There is no need to use any additional software tools to view and evaluate statistical data.
BI tools integration
CUE Solution provides data for various BI tools through an API. The user can thus integrate booking data into his other statistics and evaluate them in the environment he is used to.